Our Mission
To come alongside hope-filled and intentional families to love girls around the world who need to receive, learn, and walk in the truth of God’s Word. Our heart’s desire is to educate girls everywhere and to see them live, love, and lead by the transformative power of the Gospel.
Who we are
For us, this is not a momentary enterprise or a popular, short-term narrative that aligns with catchy slogans like “the future is female”, nor is it a temporary ideology that ‘ebbs and flows’ with the current cultural moment.
The driving force—the heartbeat of Dawn of Grace—is that we fully represent God’s heart for his created female beings —unique expressions of His creativity— and the hope for a life lived in freedom, hope, and power through the sharing of God’s eternal Word.
This future is one that must be built by dedicated individuals who will live, motivated by the urgency of the gospel, by bringing God’s Word into the lives of girls and women who need to know His truth and experience His love.
We’re so glad that you’re here, and we would love to partner with you so not one more second is wasted in the fight for girls and women around the world who need our help.
Our Story
In 2011, on the way home from church, we embarked on a journey to help girls make a meaningful connection to Scripture through the stories of women. We headed to the bookstore and discovered there was a serious lack of engaging, dynamic, and high-quality resources that made the stories of these positive female role models come alive for young readers.
We knew we had to do something about it.
This effort over the last several years has blossomed into a global movement to teach young women all over the world to embrace their worth and calling. God has expanded and developed diverse distribution channels, building creative partnerships so we can reach girls all over the world with Bible-based resources that share the love and hope of Jesus.
By partnering with us, you are able to reach girls in some of the hardest and most challenging places on Earth.
Until every girl is reached with the message of their true worth, our work is not done and this movement is not complete.
Through the establishment of Bible Belles as a global leader in female empowerment, we will continue to help women of all ages discover their God-given worth and walk in new life and freedom as they discover God’s Word for themselves.
The latin writer Syrus in the 1st century BC gave us a very sweet sentiment that also packs a powerful punch. He said, girls everywhere.
“Where there is unity, there is always victory.”
We gather here, in joy, love, and celebration of all God wants to do in the lives of women and girls everywhere
Our Mission
Who we are
For us, this is not a momentary enterprise or a popular, short-term narrative that aligns with catchy slogans like “the future is female”, nor is it a temporary ideology that ‘ebbs and flows’ with the current cultural moment.
The driving force—the heartbeat of Dawn of Grace—is that we fully represent God’s heart for his created female beings —unique expressions of His creativity— and the hope for a life lived in freedom, hope, and power through the sharing of God’s eternal Word.
This future is one that must be built by dedicated individuals who will live, motivated by the urgency of the gospel, by bringing God’s Word into the lives of girls and women who need to know His truth and experience His love.
We’re so glad that you’re here, and we would love to partner with you so not one more second is wasted in the fight for girls and women around the world who need our help.
Our Story
In 2011, on the way home from church, we embarked on a journey to help girls make a meaningful connection to Scripture through the stories of women. We headed to the bookstore and discovered there was a serious lack of engaging, dynamic, and high-quality resources that made the stories of these positive female role models come alive for young readers.
We knew we had to do something about it.
This effort over the last several years has blossomed into a global movement to teach young women all over the world to embrace their worth and calling. God has expanded and developed diverse distribution channels, building creative partnerships so we can reach girls all over the world with Bible-based resources that share the love and hope of Jesus.
By partnering with us, you are able to reach girls in some of the hardest and most challenging places on Earth.
Until every girl is reached with the message of their true worth, our work is not done and this movement is not complete.
Through the establishment of Bible Belles as a global leader in female empowerment, we will continue to help women of all ages discover their God-given worth and walk in new life and freedom as they discover God’s Word for themselves.
The latin writer Syrus in the 1st century BC gave us a very sweet sentiment that also packs a powerful punch. He said, girls everywhere.
“Where there is unity, there is always victory.”
We gather here, in joy, love, and celebration of all God wants to do in the lives of women and girls everywhere